Tutorial 2 Little Tango: Sequences, Harmonizer, Advanced Uses
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- This second tutorial aims to further explore the use of DM-D, focusing on the handling of sequence generators and the harmonizer module. In order to take this tutorial, you must have previously taken Tutorial 1, as we use the same Composer programming sheet.

- This tutorial takes about 60 minutes to complete, and enables users to familiarise themselves further with DM-D. The final result is a little tango, similar to the one shown below.

     Play (with synthesized sound) . . . .

- At the end of this tutorial there is a section, Advanced Uses, where further information is provided regarding the possibilities of use of DM-D.

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Step 1: Writing Sequences
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- The Sequence Generators in Composer are very similar to Wave Generators, which have already been dealt with in Tutorial 1. The difference lies in that the Sequence Generators use as repeat element a music fragment, which we will call sequence, and it should be written in an external score editor such as Finale or Sibelius. The score editor used must allow exporting to XML format.

- As shown in the example, which contains the two sequences we will use in this tutorial, these have to be written in the first measures of the file and must always end with a simple double bar. The bars following the sequences will not be taken into account by DM-D. For users of the Finale program, the DM-D template files include one, "insec.mus", to be used directly in writing the sequences.

- Once they have been entered in the score editor, they must be exported to XML format so that DM-D can read the sequences. In Finale2006 and 2008, for instance, this tool can be found within menu File --> MusicXML. The file name must always be "insec.xml" and this file should be saved in the DM-D Working Folder (See step 1 of Tutorial 1).

Step 2: First piece with Sequences
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- We are going to generate the first piece using the sequences we have written. In the Composer programming sheet we have completed in Tutorial 1, we apply the following modifications:

- The meaning of the above is as follows:

  • First we have created a Sequence Generator, named "Sec1". We have assigned a random value to the sequence of this generator, which can be 0 or 1. When its value is 0, it will use the first sequence we wrote; if instead its value is 1, it will use the second sequence.
  • In the Output table, we have cancelled the first written line. This is the effect of writing anything in the first column. Replacing this, we have written the last line, which assigns the Sec1 values to the output of instrument 1 (Midi channel 1).

- Now, save changes, and set DM-D to composing. The result should be something similar to this (remember that it won't be the same, as we are using random values):

- As you can see, now the melody contains the melodic fragments of our sequences, in a random succession. They are separated by a quarter silence. This "Final silence" is one of the configuration boxes of the Sequence Generators. It is expressed in sixteenths, and its default value is 4. It may be modified from 0 (all sequences would appear one after the other without separation) to a high value.

Step 3: Improving the treatment of Sequences
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- The melody we have obtained before is not very interesting, as it limits itself to repeating the sequences as we wrote them. Let us try some ways of transforming these sequences and thus improving our melody. We shall write the boxed expressions in the Composer programming sheet:

- The meaning of what we have written is as follows:

  • Start note - This parameter allows the sequence writing to start on a note subsequent to the first (the 2nd, the 3rd...). The mathematical expression we have written varies randomly between 1 and 4. This means that our sequences will randomly start by the 1st or the 4th note.
  • Final Silence - The value of the written expression may be randomly 0, 2, 4, 6, or 8. That is the number of sixteenths that separate one sequence from the next.
  • Activity time meas. - The duration of the generator activity will only be 15 measures. Measure 16 will thus be silent.
  • Type of movement - This parameter modifies the sequences as follows:

    - If the value is 1, the sequence is written without modification.
    - If the value is 2, the sequence is written applying a horizontal mirror in the intervals (inversion).
    - If the value is 3, the sequence is written applying a vertical mirror, that is, the other way round, from the back to the front (retrogradation).
  • Transport high and low level - These values make it possible to transport the sequence for the number of semitones specified in the boxes. By assigning Wave Generator "Gen3" value (See Tutorial 1), we assign a ascending transport to the sequences oscillating between 10 and 0 semitones.

- Save file in BlockNote and activate Composer in DM-D. The resulting piece could be something like this:

- Let us look at some of the "effects" of our modifications:

  • Measure 1: Sequence 0, transported 5 semitones.
  • Measure 3: Sequence 0, without the first three notes, in a horizontal mirror (inversion).
  • Measure 5: Sequence 1, in a vertical mirror (retrogradation) and transported.
Step 4: Tango Bass
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- After obtaining a more varied melody, it is time to take care of the bass, and make it more like a Tango bass. To do so, we will apply the following changes to the Output Table:

- What have we achieved? On the one hand, we have divided the duration of the bass notes by 2. This means that their value will be half, one quaver, imitating the marked and dry style of tango basses.

- On the other hand, we have introduced a random value so that the reinforcing high notes occur only occasionally. This generates a sensation of rather surprising accents, also typical of the tango bass. Saving the file on BlockNote and activating Composer on DM-D the result should be something like this (remember it will not be exactly the same, because of the random values):

- At this point we have managed to create a sort of organised "small piece" with a defined form and theme, i.e. its "outline". However, as it does not respond to any specific harmony, it is probable that it "sounds wrong". Let us see how to apply harmony, it means, COLOUR, to our piece.

Step 5: Use of the Harmonizer Module
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A - The basic use of the Harmonizer Module is quite simple. Firstly we need to write the "Harmony sheet" with a score-writer that allows exporting to XML, such as Finale or Sibelius. This sheet contains the "harmonic colours" which we will use to "paint" or “fill in” our piece. For our Tango, we shall write this harmony:

- The meaning of the Sheet is as follows:

  • The first staff contains information on the Scale to be used to take the non-chord tones (passing, neighbor tones, etc...). The scale is valid until a new scale is written.

  • The second and following staves contain the Harmony information, i.e., the chord, that will be applied to the harmonization. The chord is valid until a new chord appears. As can be deduced from the example, these chords can be written in a single stave or in several (measures 11, 15).

    (Note: It is not necessary to write the bracket or continuous barlines in the lower staves)

B - Once the Harmony Sheet has been written, it should be exported to XML format, as described in step 1 of this tutorial. The file should be named "inarm.xml" and saved in the DM-D Working Folder.

- Now everything is ready to apply the harmonization. We do this with the "Harmonizer" option in the DM-D menu. Once the process has finished, a file named "outar.mid" is generated, containing the harmonized piece. If we open it in the score editor, something similar to this should appear:

- As you can see, the piece is very similar to the one that had not yet been harmonized, but its notes are adjusted to respond to the harmony we have indicated. In addition, the harmonizer is intelligent, and able to apply non-chord tones. With this, we respect the initial piece much more.

- The first piece we obtain will probably not be the best of all. If we wish to repeat the entire composition-harmonization process, letting the random values offer us different versions, we shall use the option "All" from the DM-D menu. We can try several times until we obtain one we like.

- Lastly, if we wish to obtain the exact piece that appears in the example and is played at the beginning of this Tutorial, we must write value 30566 in the field "seed" of the "Configuration" table in the DM-D Programming Sheet. This seed initialises the random numbers. When its value is 0 (default value), the seed is generated at random. When its value is between 1 and 65000, the piece will always be the same for the same number.

Advanced uses of DM-D
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- Throughout the 2 tutorials, we have described the basic use of DM-D. However, DM-D allows more complex uses, which can be seen in the Examples, which are also detailed in the Documentation of the program, and which we mention in summarised form:
  • Composer: Generator Nesting - The DM-D Composer module contains a compiler that turns it into a real programming language. This means that, on the one hand, mathematical expressions of any degree of complexity can be used in any of the fields of its tables. In addition, it means that an unlimited number of generators can be used to modulate other generators. This means that significantly complex musical programming can be carried out.
  • Composer: Sequences as Graphics or Matrices - The musical sequences can be used as graphics or control matrices. Deep down, music writing is a kind of time graphic in two dimensions. This characteristic means it can be used as a time control parameter in mathematical expressions. This achieves the paradox of being able to control the music from within the music itself. It is very useful for instance, in controlling aspects of musical form.
  • Harmonizer: Bass and Melody following - The configuration file "conar.txt" makes it possible to adjust many operation parameters of the Harmonizer module. It can be accessed through the DM-D menu in Options, Edit Harm. Options. The first we mention is the following of the Bass or the Melody [Mel Ins] and [Bass Ins]. These make it possible to force the higher notes of the melody and the bass to coincide with those of the melody and bass of the chords written in the Harmony Sheet. This means it is possible to respect a specific bass line or melody.
  • Harmonizer: Line Control - The Harmonizer module performs a tracing operation prior to the harmonization to detect implicit melodic lines. That is, it is able to find in arpeggios or musical fragments with jumps, implicit melodies that it will treat as such, applying non-chord tones, and trying to respect their profile. The parameters controlling the lines are those of [Notes] section in "conar.txt".
  • Harmonizer: Selection of Non-chord tones - It is possible to control what types of non-chord tones DM-D will apply (passing tones, neighbor tones, appoggiatura, escape tones), what voices it will apply them to (bass, melody, intermediate voices), and the behaviour of these non-chord tones. The control parameters of all this can be found under section [ Non-chord Tones ] of file "conar.txt".